Wa technical University Cut Off Points 2024/2025 for Admissions, Cut-off Points for all Courses, Wa technical University Cut Off Points and Admission Requirements into the school.

Additionally, the university sets specific requirements for each program. Consequently, prospective students should carefully review the admission criteria. In essence, meeting the cut off points is just the first step in the admission process.

The cut off points for Wa Technical University admission of WASSCE, SSCE and GBCE applicant to first degree courses are three (3) credit passes in three core topics and three (3) credit passes in three other elective subjects.

Dept. Information and Communication Technology (ICT)  
Dept. of Building Technology (BT)  
Dept. of Estate Management (EST)  
Dept. Hospitality and Catering Management (HCM)  
Dept. of Dispensing Technology (DT)  
Dept. Science Laboratory Technology (SLT)  
Dept. of Agricultural Engineering (AE)  
Dept. of Civil Engineering (CE)  
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering (ME)  
Dept. Electrical/Electronic Engineering (EEE)  
Dept. Industrial Art (IA)  
Dept. of Fashion Design and Modelling (FDM)  
Dept of Accountancy  
Dept of Secretaryship and Management Studies  
Dept of Purchasing and Supply  
Bachelor of Technology Programmes and Requirements  
Bachelor of Technology, Hospitality And Catering Management (Regular and Top-Up)  
Bachelor of Technology, Agricultural Engineering (Regular and Top-Up)  
Bachelor of Technology, Mechanical Engineering (Regular and Top-Up)  
Bachelor of Technology, Procurement, Logistics & Supply Chain Management (Regular and Top-Up)  
Bachelor of Technology, Civil Engineering (Regular and Top-Up)  
Bachelor of Technology, Building Technology (Regular and Top-Up)  
Bachelor of Technology, Information Technology (Regular and Top-Up)  
Bachelor of Technology, Industrial Art (Regular and Top-Up)  
Bachelor of Technology, Estate Management (Regular and Top-Up)  

Bachelor of Technology, Hospitality And Catering Management (Regular and Top-Up)

Wa technical University Cut Off Points 2024/2025 for Admissions. Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (SSSCE) candidates, West Africa Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (WASSCE) and General Business Certificate Examination (GBCE) candidates.

SSSCE Candidates:

must have credit passes (A – D) in six (6) subjects including three (3) core subjects, including English Language, Mathematics and Integrated Science plus (3) elective subjects in any of the listed subjects; Economics, French, Food and Nutrition, General Knowledge in Art, Management in Living, Biology, Chemistry and any other subjects.

 WASSCE Candidates:

Wa technical University Cut Off Points 2024/2025 for Admissions. Must have credit passes (A1 – D7) in six (6) subjects including three (3) core subjects, including English Language, Mathematics and Integrated Science plus any three (3) of the following subjects: Economics, French, Food and Nutrition, General Knowledge in Art, Management in Living, Biology, Chemistry and any other subjects.

GBCE Candidates:

Furthermore, students must have credit passes in six (6) subjects. In addition, these subjects must include three (3) core subjects, including English Language, Mathematics, and Integrated Science. Moreover, students must have credit passes in any three (3) of the following topics: Economics, French, Food and Nutrition, General Knowledge in Art, Management in Living, Biology, Chemistry, and any other other subjects.


Six Credit passes; 3 core subjects including English Language & Mathematics and Integrated Science with at least three (3) elective credit passes relevant to area of Hospitality or Catering.

Additionally, General Certificate of Education (GCE) Advanced Level Candidates must obtain passes in three (3) subjects. At least, one of the passes should be Grade D or better.

Also the applicants must have had credit passes (Grade 6) in five GCE Ordinary Level subjects including English Language, Mathematics and Science subject and five subjects (for non-science students) and an Art subject (for Science students).

Furthermore, HND candidates seeking admission to first degree programmes must have graduated with a good HND certificate, specifically at least 2nd Class Lower Division.

Additionally, the applicant must have acquired a 2-year post-HND qualification working experience.

Moreover, institutions under mentorship will follow their Mentor Institution’ practice with regard to entry levels for HND applicants. Ultimately, applicants with HND certificates will enter the B-Tech programme at level 300.

Other Diploma qualification from elsewhere assessed to be equal to HND may be similarly considered.

Advance Business Certificate Examination (ABCE) Candidates: Full Diploma Certificate in ABCE.

Also, the student must have had credit passes in five (5) subjects including English Language, Mathematics, Integrated Science or Social Studies in the General Business Certificate Examination (GBCE) or Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (SSSCE) or West African Senior Certificate Examination (WASSCE). ABCE students may be considered for admission at level 200 of a degree programme.

Mature Students’ Entry

Tertiary education entry for mature students, allowing those unable to complete earlier, needs 5%-20% of total admissions in a given academic year.

i.      Additionally, the applicant must provide a birth certificate or any legitimate documentary proof of date of birth that shows they are at least 25 years old at the time of application.

ii.      The applicant must pass a Mature Entrance Examinations taken by the Institution in English & Mathematics. In addition, the applicant must have gained a 2-year working experience in the area of Hospitality or Catering.

Foreign Qualification

All foreign shall be referred to the National Accreditation Board (NAB) for aim of equivalences and eligibility for admission to higher education in Ghana (National Accreditation Board Act 2007.

Bachelor of Technology, Agricultural Engineering (Regular and Top-Up)

Students’ Admission Requirements

Minimum Entry Requirement

a)      Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (SSSCE) Candidates:

Additionally, applicants with SSCE must have passes (A-D) in three (3) core subjects, including English Language, Mathematics (core), and Integrated Science. Furthermore, they must have three (3) passes in other elective subjects with a score not more than 24.

b)     West Africa Senior Schools Certificate Examination (WASSCE) Candidates:

Wa technical University Cut Off Points 2024/2025 for Admissions. Applicants with WASSCE must have Credit Passes (A1–C6) in three (3) core subjects, English Language, Mathematics, Integrated Science plus three (3) elective subjects with an aggregate not exceeding 36.

c)      General Certificate of Education (GCE) Advanced Level:

Wa technical University Cut Off Points 2024/2025 for Admissions. Applicants with GCE A- level must have passes in three subjects (at least, one of the passes should be Grade D or better. Also, the students must have had credit passes (Grade 6) in five (5) GCE Ordinary Level subjects including English, Mathematics, and a science subject (for non-science students) and an Art subject for science students.

d)     Applicants from Technical Institutes:

Additionally, applicants from Technical Institutes must have passes in the other elective courses. Furthermore, applicants without Mathematics, English Language, and Integrated Science may be admitted to a two (2) month bridging programme before formal admission to their programme of choice after passing a test.

e)      Mature Applicants:

Mature students have also been provided with the opportunity to further their education in this programme. The mature applicant must:

Be at least 25 years of old, Show proof of age with a birth certificate, baptismal certificate, or any legitimate documentary proof of date of birth.

Wa technical University Cut Off Points 2024/2025 for Admissions. Pass Mature Students’ Entrance Examinations given by the University, and marked scripts vetted by the University. In line with the above, the applicant must show proof of credit passes in English and Mathematics in WASSCE or any other nationally recognized standard High School level test (for qualifications from countries outside WAEC’s jurisdiction).

f)       Foreign qualifications:

Wa technical University Cut Off Points 2024/2025 for Admissions. All foreign qualification will be referred to the National Accreditation Board (GTEC) for determination of equivalences and good for admission into the course in line with (GTEC Act, 2007 [Act 774 (2(2b)]

g)      Admission of Higher National Diploma (HND) Candidates to First Degree Programme:

Applicants with HND certificate HND will enter at level 300. HND Students under mentorship will follow their Mentor Institutions’ practice regarding entry levels for HND applicants.

h)     Professional and other entry Qualifications:

Additionally, all professional certificates and any other qualifications beyond the ones mentioned above will be referred to GTEC for the establishment of their equivalencies. Moreover, GTEC will determine their eligibility for admission onto the programme.

Bachelor of Technology, Mechanical Engineering (Regular and Top-Up)

Students’ Admission Requirements

The minimum qualifications for admission into the Programme are as follows:

Senior Secondary School Certificate Examinations (SSSCE), and West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE):

The general requirements for admission of WASSCE and SSSCE candidates to read BTech Mechanical Engineering are three (3) credit passes in three core subjects and three (3) credit passes in three relevant elective subjects.

a)    SSSCE Candidates:

Wa technical University Cut Off Points 2024/2025 for Admissions Credit Passes (A-D) in six (6) subjects comprising three core subjects, including English Language, Integrated Science and Mathematics, plus three (3) elective subjects including Elective Mathematics, Physics and any of the following: Chemistry, Technical Drawing, Metal Work and Engineering Science.

b)    WASSCE Candidates:

Wa technical University Cut Off Points 2024/2025 for Admissions. Credit Passes (A1-C6) in six (6) subjects comprising three core subjects, including English Language, Integrated Science and Mathematics, plus three (3) elective subjects including Elective Mathematics, Physics and any of the following: Chemistry, Technical Drawing, Metal Work and Engineering Science.

General Certificate of Education (GCE) Advanced Level Candidates:

In addition, passes in three (3) subjects (at least, one of the passes should be Grade D or better). Furthermore, the applicant must have had credit passes (Grade 6) in five GCE Ordinary Level subjects including English Language, Mathematics and a Science subject.

Technician Certificate:

a)     Wa technical University Cut Off Points 2024/2025 for Admissions. Passes in Technician Parts I and II in Mechanical, Automotive, Production and Refrigeration Engineering plus passes in English, Mathematics and Science will enroll at level 200.

b)    Additionally, candidates who successfully complete the bridging program will then be eligible to enroll in Semester II at the 200 level. Furthermore, they must pass an exam in order to qualify for the program.

c)     Additionally, students who have achieved a minimum of 3 credit passes in Intermediate Certificate II in Mechanical, Automotive, Production, and Refrigeration Engineering, as well as credit passes in English, Mathematics, and Integrated Science, will be eligible to enroll at level 100.

Higher National Diploma (HND):

a)    Holders in HND Certificates (minimum of 2nd Class Lower) in Mechanical, Automotive, Production and Refrigeration Technology Engineering will enroll at Level 300.

b)    Holders of other qualifications in Mechanical, Automotive, Production and Refrigeration Technology Engineering that have been assessed to be equivalent to HND will be similar to (a) and will be considered.

Mature Students’ Entry:

a)     Mature applicants shall not exceed 5% of the total admissions in a given academic year.

b)     Additionally, the applicant must show their age by giving a birth certificate or any other legitimate documentary proof of date of birth. Furthermore, the proof of age must be at least 5 years old at the time of application.

c)     Applicant must pass Mature Students’ Entrance Examinations conducted by the University (English Language, Mathematics and an Aptitude Test).

International Students’ Qualifications:

Additionally, all international qualifications will be referred to the Ghana Tertiary Education Commission (GTEC) for determination of equivalences and eligibility for admission into the programme in line with the GTEC Act, 2007.

Bachelor of Technology, Procurement, Logistics & Supply Chain Management (Regular and Top-Up)

Students’ Admission Requirements

i)        Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (SSSCE) Candidates

Applicants with SSCE must have Passes (A–D) in three (3) core subjects including, English Language, Mathematics (core), Integrated Science plus three (3) passes in any Elective subjects with an aggregate not more than 24.

ii) West Africa Senior Schools Certificate Examination (WASSCE) Candidates

Moreover, applicants with WASSCE must have Credit Passes (A1–C6) in three (3) core subjects, including English Language, Mathematics, and Integrated Science. Additionally, they must have three (3) passes in any elective subjects with an aggregate not exceeding 36.

iii) General Certificate of Education (GCE) Advanced Level

Applicants with GCE A- level must have passes in three subjects (at least, one of the passes should be Grade D or better). Also, the applicant must have had credit passes (Grade 6) in five (5) GCE Ordinary Level subjects including English, Mathematics and a Science subject (for non-science students). Applicants with Advanced Business Certificate Examination (ABCE) must have passes in five subjects including English and Mathematics.

a)      Applicants from Technical Institutes

Applicants from Technical Institutes must have three (3) passes in the core subjects including Mathematics and English Language plus three (3) relevant elective subjects.

b)     Mature Applicants

The mature applicant must:

i.       Be at least 25 years old at the time of applying.

ii.      Show proof of age with a birth certificate, baptismal certificate or any legitimate documentary proof of date of birth.

iii)     Must have, at least, passes in three subjects, including English and Mathematics

iv.  Pass Mature Students’ Entrance Examinations and interview conducted by the University.

c)      Foreign qualifications

Additionally, all foreign qualifications will also be assessed by the Ghana Technical Education Commission (GTEC) for equivalences and eligibility for admission into the programme, as outlined in the GTEC Act of 2007.

d)     Admission of Higher National Diploma (HND) Candidates to First Degree Programmes (Top-up Applicants)

Category 1: A minimum of Second Class Lower of the Higher National Diploma (HND) Certificate in Purchasing and Supply is required to enrol on this programme. Such a candidate will be offered admission into the third year.

Category 2: Candidates who apply with a pass at the Higher National Diploma Purchasing and Supply may be offered admission into the second year.

Category 3:  Candidates with other tertiary Diploma programmes other than HND purchasing and Supply will be offered admission into the second year (Level 200).

e)      Professional and other entry Qualifications

Additionally, all professional certificates and any other qualifications beyond the ones specified above will be referred to GTEC for the establishment of their equivalencies. Furthermore, GTEC will determine their eligibility for admission onto the programme.

Bachelor of Technology, Civil Engineering (Regular and Top-Up)



(a) HND holders of Civil Engineering or Building Technology may be admitted into the first semester of the third year. Students with third class would attend an interview and must have demonstrated evidence of at least 2 years of industrial experience.

(b) A diploma in Civil Engineering from recognized Tertiary Institutions with three years relevant working experience. In addition, applicant will have to attend an interview.


The following categories of applicants will be eligible for the four (4) years full programme.

i.      SSSCE Applicants

Passes (A-D) in five (5) subjects comprising three core subjects; English Language, Integrated Science and Mathematics, plus two (2) electives subjects of the following: Elective Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Building Construction, Technical Drawing, Wood work and Engineering Science.

ii.      WASSCE Applicants

Credit Passes (A1-C6) in five (5) subjects comprising three core subjects; English Language, Integrated Science and Mathematics, plus two (2) electives subjects of the following: Elective Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Building Construction, Technical Drawing, Wood work and Engineering Science.

Candidates are expected to have a maximum of aggregate 36 – WASSCE examination and 24 in the SSSCE.

iii.     Technician Applicants

Construction Technician Certificate I and II (CTC I& II): with CTC I, applicants must have passed in all four papers (Construction General, Construction Practice, Related Studies, Practical Work Assessment), in addition, an applicant must have passed in English Language and Mathematics. With CTC II, an applicant must have passed in five papers (Construction Practice I, Applied Technology and Site Experience I, Site Surveying I, Measurement of Building Works I) with at least credits in two (2) subjects. Applicants must have passed in English and Mathematics from CTVET or any other recognized examination body.

iv. ‘A’ Level Applicants

Diploma with basic background in physics and math.

v.   Mature Applicants

In addition, Furthermore, Moreover, Additionally, On the other hand, Similarly, Likewise, Consequently, Therefore, Hence, As a result, Subsequently, Nonetheless, Meanwhile, Otherwise, However, Nevertheless, Thus, Also, Furthermore, In conclusion

a.   At least FIVE (5) Credits at the Ordinary Level in the GCE including English Language, Mathematics and a Science subject (Physics, Chemistry or Additional Modern Mathematics or General Science)

b.  WASSCE/SSSCE passes in three (3) Core Subjects (English Language, Mathematics and Integrated Science) plus credits in any three (3) of the following Electives:

Mathematics and any two (2) of these subjects, Chemistry, Physics, Building & Construction, Elective Mathematics, Technical Drawing, Building drawings, and Building Construction

c.   Part I Technician Certificate with at least five (5) years Industrial experience d.   Should pass a written Examination/Interview

e.   Photocopies of Birth certificate and evidence of Industrial experience with a Civil Engineering related firm.

vi.      Foreign Qualifications

All foreign qualification will be referred to the National Accreditation Board (GTEC) for determination of equivalences and eligibility for admission into the programme in line with (GTEC Act, 2007 [Act 774 (2(2b)].

vii.     Professional and other entry Qualifications

Furthermore, all professional certificates and any other qualifications beyond the ones specified above will be referred to GTEC. In addition, this will be for the establishment of their equivalencies and to determine their eligibility for admission onto the programme.

Bachelor of Technology, Building Technology (Regular and Top-Up)

1.     Bachelor Of Technology, Building Technology

Students’ Admission Requirements

The target market for enrollment of students into the Bachelor of Technology Degree in the Building Technology programme will include Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (SSSCE)  candidates (SSSCE), West Africa Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (WASSCE) candidates and Technical/Vocational Education And Training Certificate Examination (TVET) candidates who meet the Ghana Council for Tertiary Education (GTEC) approved minimum requirements for admission to first degree programmes. The general requirements for admission of SSCE, WASSCE and TVET candidates will be three (3) credit passes in three core subjects and three (3) credit passes in three relevant elective subjects

i.    SSSCE Candidates: Credit passes (A – D) in six (6) subjects comprising three core subjects, including English language and mathematics, plus three (3) relevant elective subjects(Physics, Chemistry, Elective Mathematics, Geography, Economics, Building Construction, Technical Drawing, Woodwork, Engineering Science)

ii.    WASSCE Candidates:

Credit passes (A1 – C6) in six (6) subjects comprising three core subjects, including English language and mathematics, plus three (3) relevant elective subjects (Physics, Chemistry, Elective Mathematics, Geography, Economics, Building Construction, Technical Drawing, Woodwork, Engineering Science)

iii.    Additionally, TVET Candidates must pass in three (3) subjects, including English Language and Mathematics. Moreover, they need to have intermediate technical education certificate core subjects, such as Building Construction, Woodwork, Plumbing, Technical Drawing, Engineering, Carpentry, and Joinery.

iv.    For General Certificate of Education (GCE) Advanced Level Certificate candidates, they will also require passes in three (3) core subjects (at least, one of the passes should be grade D or better).

v.    Passes in CTCI  (old scheme); CTCII (New scheme)

vi.     Passes in CTCII (old Scheme); CTCIII(New scheme) to join in the second year.

vii.     HND certificate to enter in in the third year.

viii.      GCE A/O Level:

Five credits (grade 6 or better) in GCE Ordinary Level subjects including English Language, Mathematics and an arts subject, plus two (2)credit in A levels (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Geography, Economics)

ix.    Additionally, for mature candidates, the applicant must be at least 25 years old. Moreover, they should show proof of age with a birth certificate or any legitimate documentary proof of date of birth which is at least five years older at the time of application. The applicant must pass Mature Students’ Entrance Examination done by the University in English language, mathematics test.

x.   Foreign qualifications

All foreign qualification will be referred to the Ghana Tertiary Education Commission (GTEC) for determination of equivalences and eligible for admission into the programme.

xi.      Professional and other entry Qualifications

Additionally, all professional certificates and any other qualifications beyond the ones above will be referred to GTEC for the establishment of their equivalencies and to determine their eligibility for admission onto the programme.

Bachelor of Technology, Information Technology (Regular and Top-Up)

Students’ Admission Requirements

The entry needs for admission of students to the Bachelor of Technology in Information Technology Entrepreneurship programme include the following:

1.     Senior Secondary School Certificate Examinations (SSSCE), West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) and General Business Certificate Examination (GBCE)

i.      SSSCE Candidates: Credit Passes (A-D) in six (6) subjects comprising three core subjects, including English Language and Mathematics, and either integrated science or social studies plus three (3) elective subjects.

ii.     WASSCE Candidates: Credit Passes (A1-C6) in six (6) subjects comprising three core subjects, including English Language and Mathematics, and either integrated science or social studies plus three (3) elective subjects.

iii.    GBCE Candidates: Credit Passes (A-D) in six (6) subjects comprising three core subjects including English Language and Mathematics and either integrated science or social studies plus three (3) elective subjects

2.     NABPTEX and Technical Examination Unit Candidates:

i. Computer Hardware Technology Candidates: Credit passes in three (3) core   subjects, including English Language and Mathematics and either Integrated Science    or Social Studies plus  three (3) elective subjects

ii. Business Information Technology Applicants: Credit passes in three (3) core subjects, including English Language and Mathematics and either Integrated Science    or Social Studies plus credit passes in three (3) elective subjects.

3.     General Certificate of Education (GCE) Advanced Level Candidates

Passes in three (3) subjects (at least, one of the passes should be Grade D or better). Also, the applicant must have had credit passes (Grade 6) in five GCE Ordinary Level subjects including English Language, Mathematics and a Science subject (for non-science students) and an Arts subject (for Science students).

4.     HND: Applicants with Higher National Diploma or Equivalent:

The HND must be relevant to the Information Technology programme.

Additionally, applicants should possess relevant work experience in a related field. Moreover, they must demonstrate strong communication and interpersonal skills. Furthermore, proficiency in relevant computer applications is required. Lastly, a willingness to work hours and travel when necessary is essential.

In addition, the applicant must have gained a 2-year post-HND qualification working experience.

Successful applicants will be admitted to Level 200 or 300 after passing an interview

Other Diploma qualifications from elsewhere assessed to be equivalent to HND may be similarly considered.

5.      Advanced Business Certificate Examination (ABCE) Candidates

Full Diploma Certificate in ABCE.

Also, the applicant must have had credit passes in five (5) subjects including English Language, Mathematics, Integrated Science or Social Studies in the General Business Certificate Examination (GBCE) or Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (SSSCE) or West African Senior Secondary School Certificate Examinations (WASSCE).

ABCE candidates may be considered for admission at level 200 of a degree programme.

6.                  Mature Applicants

The students must be at least 25 years old.

Show proof of age with birth certificate or any legitimate documentary proof of date of birth which is at least 5 years old at the time of application.

The applicant must pass entrance test.

In lieu of such test, the applicant should show proof of credit passes in English Language and Mathematics in WASSCE or any other nationally common standard High School level examinations.

7.                  Foreign Qualifications

All foreign qualifications would be referred to the Ghana Tertiary Education Commission (GTEC) for determination of equivalences and eligibility for admission to the subjects.

8.                  Professional and Other Qualifications

Additionally, all professional certificates and any other qualifications would be referred to the Ghana Tertiary Education Commission (GTEC) for the establishment of their equivalencies to determine their eligibility for admission to the programme.

Bachelor of Technology, Industrial Art (Regular and Top-Up)

Students’ Admission Requirements

a)      Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (SSSCE) Candidates

Applicants with SSCE must have Passes (A–D) in three (3) core subjects including, English Language, Mathematics (core), Integrated Science or social plus three (3) passes in the following elective subjects: General Knowledge in Art, Ceramics, Woodwork, Sculpture, Textiles, Graphic Design, Jewellery, Basketry, Picture Making, Leather Work, Bead Making, Management in Living, Clothing and Textiles, Economics, Biology Chemistry and Physics.

b)     West Africa Senior Schools Certificate Examination (WASSCE) Candidates

Applicants with WASSCE must have Credit Passes (A1–C6) in three (3) core subjects, English Language, Mathematics, Integrated Science plus three (3) passes in the following elective subjects: General Knowledge in Art, Ceramics, Woodwork, Sculpture, Textiles, Graphic Design, Jewellery, Basketry, Picture Making, Leather Work, Bead Making, Management in Living, Clothing and Textiles & Economics.

c)      General Certificate of Education (GCE) Advanced Level

Applicants with GCE A- level must have passes in three subjects (at least, one of the passes should be Grade D or better. Also, the applicant must have had credit passes (Grade 6) in five (5) GCE Ordinary Level subjects including English, Mathematics and a Science subject (for non-science students) and an Art subject for Science students.

d)     Applicants from Technical Institutes

Additionally, applicants from Technical Institutes must have three (3) passes in the core subjects including Mathematics and English Language, as well as three (3) other elective subjects.

e)      Mature Applicants

Mature students have also been provided with the opportunity to further their education in this programme. The mature applicant must:

i.      Be at least 25 years old,

ii.      Show proof of age with a birth certificate, baptismal certificate or any legitimate documentary proof of date of birth.

iii.      Pass Mature Students’ Entrance Examinations and interview conducted by the University.

f)       Foreign qualifications

Additionally, any foreign qualifications will be reviewed by the National Accreditation Board (GTEC) to determine equivalences and eligibility for admission into the programme. This process is in line with (GTEC Act, 2007 [Act 774 (2(2b)].

g)      Admission of Higher National Diploma (HND) Candidates to First Degree Programmes (Top-up Applicants)

Category 1: A minimum of Second Class Lower of the Higher National Diploma (HND) Certificate in the Industrial Arts is required to enrol on this programme. Such a candidate will be offered admission into the third year. Also, the candidate must pass a pre-admission interview and must have two years working experience in industry.

Category 2: Candidates who apply with a pass at the Higher National Diploma may be offered admission into the second year. Also, the candidate must pass a pre-admission interview and must have two years working experience in industry.

Additionally, HND students under mentorship will be expected to adhere to the entry requirements of their Mentor Institutions.

h)     Professional and other entry Qualifications

All professional certificates and any other qualifications beyond the ones specified above will be referred to GTEC for the establishment of their equivalencies and to determine their eligibility for admission onto the programme.

Bachelor of Technology, Estate Management (Regular and Top-Up)

Students’ Admission Requirements:

The target market for enrollment of students into the Bachelor of Technology Degree in the Estate Management programme will include Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (SSSCE)  candidates (SSSCE), West Africa Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (WASSCE) candidates and Technical/Vocational Education and Training Certificate Examination (TVET) candidates who meet the Ghana Council for Tertiary Education (GTEC) approved minimum requirements for admission to first degree programmes. The general requirements for admission of SSCE, WASSCE and TVET candidates will be three (3) credit passes in three core subjects and three (3) credit passes in three relevant elective subjects.

             i.    SSSCE Candidates:

Credit passes (A – D) in six (6) subjects comprising three core subjects, including English language and mathematics, plus three (3) relevant elective subjects – Economics, Geography, History, Government, Elective Mathematics. An applicant must have at least Economics or Geography as an elective.

             ii.    WASSCE Candidates: Credit passes (A1 – C6) in six (6) subjects comprising three core subjects, including English language and mathematics, plus three (3) relevant elective subjects – Economics, Geography, History, Government, Elective Mathematics. An applicant must have at least Economics or Geography as an elective.

           iii.     TVET Candidates:

Credit passes (Credit – Distinction) in six (6) subjects comprising three core subjects, including English language and mathematics – Certificate II Core Subjects, plus three (3) relevant elective subjects – TEU

         iv.   For General Certificate of Education (GCE) Advanced Level Certificate candidates: They will also require passes in three (3) subjects (at least, one of the passes should be grade D or better). Also, the applicant must have had credit passes (Grade 6) in five GCE Ordinary Level subjects including English language, mathematics and an arts subject.

         v.    For mature candidates, the applicant must be at least 25 years old, and show proof of age with birth certificate or any legitimate documentary proof of date of birth which is at least five years older at the time of application. The applicant must pass Mature Students’ Entrance Examination conducted by the University in English language, mathematics and aptitude test.

           vi.    Foreign qualifications:

  All foreign qualification will be referred to the Ghana Tertiary Education Commission (GTEC) for determination of equivalences and eligibility for admission into the   programme in line with (GTEC Act, 2007 [Act 774 (2(2b)]

         vii.     Admission of Higher National Diploma (HND) Candidates to First Degree Programmes:

Applicants with HND certificate HND will enter at level 300. HND Students under mentorship will follow their Mentor Institutions’   practice with regard to entry levels for HND applicants.

viii.    Professional and other entry Qualifications:

All professional certificates and any other qualifications beyond the ones specified above will be referred to GTEC for the establishment of their equivalencies and to determine their eligibility for admission into the programme.

Bachelor of Technology, Estate Management (Regular and Top-Up)

Students’ Admission Requirements:

The target market for enrollment of students into the Bachelor of Technology Degree in the Estate Management programme will include Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (SSSCE)  candidates (SSSCE), West Africa Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (WASSCE) candidates and Technical/Vocational Education and Training Certificate Examination (TVET) candidates who meet the Ghana Council for Tertiary Education (GTEC) approved minimum requirements for admission to first degree programmes. The general requirements for admission of SSCE, WASSCE and TVET candidates will be three (3) credit passes in three core subjects and three (3) credit passes in three relevant elective subjects.

             i.    SSSCE Candidates:

First of all, credit passes (A – D) in six (6) subjects comprising three core subjects, including English language and mathematics, plus three (3) relevant elective subjects – Economics, Geography, History, Government, Elective Mathematics are required. Additionally, an applicant must have at least Economics or Geography as an elective.

             ii.    WASSCE Candidates:

Credit passes (A1 – C6) in six (6) subjects comprising three core subjects, including English language and mathematics, plus three (3) relevant elective subjects – Economics, Geography, History, Government, Elective Mathematics. An applicant must have at least Economics or Geography as an elective.

           iii.     TVET Candidates:

Credit passes (Credit – Distinction) in six (6) subjects comprising three core subjects, including English language and mathematics – Certificate II Core Subjects, plus three (3) relevant elective subjects – TEU

         iv.   For General Certificate of Education (GCE) Advanced Level Certificate candidates:

Additionally, they will also require passes in three (3) subjects. At least, one of the passes should be grade D or better. Moreover, the applicant must have had credit passes (Grade 6) in five GCE Ordinary Level subjects including English language, mathematics, and an arts subject.

         v.    For mature candidates, the applicant must be at least 25 years old, and show proof of age with birth certificate or any legitimate documentary proof of date of birth which is at least five years older at the time of application. The applicant must pass Mature Students’ Entrance Examination conducted by the University in English language, mathematics and aptitude test.

           vi.    Foreign qualifications:

  Additionally, any foreign qualifications will be referred to the Ghana Tertiary Education Commission (GTEC) for determination of equivalences and eligibility for admission into the programme. This is in line with the GTEC Act, 2007 [Act 774 (2(2b)].

         vii.     Admission of Higher National Diploma (HND) Candidates to First Degree Programmes:

Applicants with HND certificate HND will enter at level 300. HND Students under mentorship will follow their Mentor Institutions’   practice with regard to entry levels for HND applicants.

viii.    Professional and other entry Qualifications:

All professional certificates and any other qualifications beyond the ones specified above will be referred to GTEC for the establishment of their equivalencies and to determine their eligibility for admission into the programme.


You can visit the school official website https://dhltu.edu.gh/ for more details

Also school forms can be purchased here at https://schoolcutoffpoint.com/

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